Adverb Clause
دانلود جزوه Adverb Clause از استاد امید رنجبر
ارائه شده توسط : استاد امید رنجبر
توضیحات : Sometimes, a sentence might make its point perfectly clear, but still need a little extra description. When you come across a sentence like this in your writing, use an adverb. That’s why English has them. But sometimes, a sentence needs more than just an adverb. It needs more context to communicate the what, where, why, and/or how behind its main clause. In this case, you can follow the sentence up with another sentence . . . or you can use an adverbial clause. An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb in its sentence. In other words, an adverbial clause is a clause that does the same thing as an adverb.
قیمت (تومان) : 5,000 تومان
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